
Mostrando las entradas de 2018

Unit 5 activities

Unit Five Reflection When we let students to self-assess their activities we are assigning them a huge work because their performance in class would be reflected in how mature they are giving themselves a grade. What we have understood in this unit is to create instruments so that students can self-assess their performance and at the same time we can have in mind the advantages and disadvantages that self-assessment represent to our students. The results can depend in how much do we know our students and in how sincere we think they are, because giving yourself a grade has a significant value when it comes to  giving a grade to students. We have learned that we must prepare our students we must prepare our students so that they know what the self-evaluation process is like, the meaning it has and the instruments that are going to be used.

Unit 4 activities

Meta 4.1 Meta 4.2 Meta 4.3 Meta 4.4  Meta 4.5 Reflection Unit 4 We have understood the importance of knowing that there are different types of tests so we could apply them to our students depending in the topics previously taught. There are purposes for each tests, if we want to classify students depending in how much they know; we must use a placement test. If our purpose is to diagnostic our students’ abilities in language before starting a course, well, we have to design a diagnostic test. So on and so forth. In this unit, we have learn the difference between test and testing, to design a test for each skill we want to measure (this is important because the fourth skills must be developed in the target language), to adapt items for the language tests, and to analyze a test (that consist in a series of questions to confirm the type of test, testing, and if it accomplish the communicative approach). 

Unit 3 activities

What was a bit confusing to do was the part of thinking an activity to develop each skill, because some of the activities could be used for more than one skill, but they needed to be focused in the target skill. Another difficult thing was planning the activities so the students could learn, but they can also enjoy the lesson at the same time. Finally, the most difficult part of this unit was the activity of making rubrics for assessment. Knowing which things are necessaries for rubrics is easier to experienced teachers, but later on it will be easy for us too. What we think would be very useful for apply it in our teaching is knowing advantages and disadvantages of each activity we use, so that we can know if the activity is suitable for include it in the lesson plan. Also, we think the rubrics are necessary for a complete assessment as we could notice if the planned activities are giving results and if the students are having problems and where.  ...

Description of a language teaching context Unit 2

Sept 3, 2018. Team/classroom exercise A learning context 1.-Educational level: High school 2.-Type of school: Public 3.-Grade/level of students: Intermediate + (o advanced) 4.-Characteristics of students:  teenagers, low income

Assessment Audit Unit 2


Goal 2.3 Description English Text Book Unit 2


Assessment plan Unit 2

Learning competency 10 hours    Unit 4 : "My hobbies".  The students will be able to talk about with responsibility and respect what they like, their leisure time or hobbies, through using the present continuous tense and infinitives in written and oral form.   CONTENTS OF UNIT  Linguistic aspects    GRAMMAR Gerunds, infinitives, verb be. VOCABULARY: Sports Music Videogames Movies Animals Cartoons. Verbs like: to travel, to swim, to talk, to walk, to paint, to watch, to do, to go. LISTENING: Identifying main ideas. PRONUNTIATION: Present continuous with -ing endings Matching vowels sounds.   SPEAKING: Asking classmates for their hobbies. Asking about what they like to do in their free time. WRITING: Spelling Capital letters.   READING Understanding of main ideas in a text.  • a) strike>How are we going to assess?  -Linguistic factors: trough tests and written works. -Non-linguistic factors: by observi...

Reflection on Assessment Unit 2

In general, each type of assessment implies an interaction within a classroom and learning situation among students and a teacher. This interaction could be constant, and intense when the learning process is observed as a whole. It implies planning it as part of the educative process, even if it is an informal assessment. this means to consider that one or any kind of assessment is going to be done during the course, either a the beginning, middle or end of it. To do assessment of any kind implies as well to take into account the time that it will take to do it, and the moment in which it should be done within the whole process. Another implication of assessment of a learning process is to have a clear idea of the purpose of doing it, meaning if the purpose is to measure or focus on performance of the student or if it is to promote exchange of knowledge and experience. That would determine what kind or data or information would be needed to be collected and how, and what should be expe...

Portfolio in Languages Teaching Goal 1.1

What is a portfolio in Language learning? Portfolios are "a collection of individual students’ work put together in a file or ring binder. They belong to the student and can be updated as language learning continues by adding to and taking away pieces of work" (Iturain, 2007) . According to this author, Portfolios are made up of three parts: 1. The Passport (factual information of the learner) 2. The Language Biography (history of learner´s language learning experience), and 3. The Dossier (a collection of course work). According to O’Malley & Valdez Pierce, (1996) cited by Lynch Gomez (1999), "an assessment portfolio is the systematic collection and evaluation of student work measured against predetermined scoring criteria, such as scoring guides, rubrics, checklists, or rating scales". For this author, "portfolios provide a broader picture of student achievement than do tests alone, and can include a great deal of information that shows what students...

Types of assessment Goal 1.2

Here is a chart of the different types of assessmemt

Assessment and teaching Goal 1.3

What does each type of assessment imply? We can say that in general, each type of assessment implies an interaction within a classroom and learning situation among students and a teacher. This interaction could be constant, and intense when the learning process is observed as a whole. It implies planning it as part of the educative process, even if it is an informal assessment. this means to consider that one or any kind of assessment is going to be done during the course, either a the beginning, middle or end of it. To do assessment of any kind implies as well to take into account the time that it will take to do it, and the moment in which it should be done within the whole process. Another implication of assessment of a learning process is to have a clear idea of the purpose of doing it, meaning if the purpose is to measure or focus on performance of the student or if it is to promote exchange of knowledge and experience. That would determine what kind or data or information would ...