Reflection on Assessment Unit 2
In general, each type of assessment implies an interaction within a classroom and learning situation among students and a teacher. This interaction could be constant, and intense when the learning process is observed as a whole. It implies planning it as part of the educative process, even if it is an informal assessment. this means to consider that one or any kind of assessment is going to be done during the course, either a the beginning, middle or end of it. To do assessment of any kind implies as well to take into account the time that it will take to do it, and the moment in which it should be done within the whole process. Another implication of assessment of a learning process is to have a clear idea of the purpose of doing it, meaning if the purpose is to measure or focus on performance of the student or if it is to promote exchange of knowledge and experience. That would determine what kind or data or information would be needed to be collected and how, and what should be expected from the assessment. It is clear that to assess a learning process always implies the positive intention of improving either the learning process or the student´s performance. Having clear this underlying intention it would help to mitigate the disadvantages that some kinds of assessments might have, like the necessary subjectivity of peer to pear assessment and self- assessment, and on the other hand the high stress levels that a formal or continuous assessment could bring attached. Would also help to make use as much as possible of the advantages of doing assessments during a course, like identifying inconsistencies or discrepancies between what is desirable and what is being performed by students. Authors often mention that assessment is related to increase efficiency of learning process or in helping to make an efficient learner, nevertheless, that implies the big issue and discussion of what that exactly means for teacher in different context and learning situations.
Each type of assessment could be adapted to many different subjects and groups. The teacher is going to use the best type of assessment depending on the situation and on what he or she needs to achieve as goals. Regarding using assessment in languages teaching situations, it is possible to use it since is an activity that can be part of different approaches and methodologies. The assessment in languages teaching is important because the teacher can see how much the students know, if they are really learning and if they are able to use the language by themselves, without any help. Thus, the assessment helps teacher through tests to identify where a lack of learning is or where the students are struggling with language, so the teacher can have a better vision about the students’ learning throughout the course. It is also useful to let students know about their development in language through feedback. The teacher also can give tips to students so they can improve language. Assessment is an important part in students’ performance and development during the course because the teacher is aware of students’ learning in each step and it could focus on their skills and abilities to use the language. It also allows teacher to know exactly where the students are having problems, so he can prepare the next lesson to help students’ understanding. By implementing assessment, the teacher can ensure that the student uses the language both inside and outside the classroom and that is able to communicate effectively, obtaining significant learning.
Thank you Ana and Mónica for the reflection of this unit. Because of your explanations, I realize that it is clear for you what assessment is and what its role in language teaching and learning is. I also visualize that it is clear for you that there are different ways to assess students using different types of instruments. Good job!